The School Day

Stannard School is registered to take pupils from 5 years old up to 18 years old.

The timings for the school day for all pupils are:

Monday – Thursday

Start time: 8.45am
Finish time: 3.15pm


Start time: 8.45am
Finish time: 2.30pm

Every day at Stannard includes high quality teaching and learning time and access to different subjects within the Stannard curriculum.  The start of each day gives children a fresh chance to engage and show they are ready for learning.  After a successful day of engagement, the end of each day is the opportunity to truly love being ourselves and for children to develop some skills and knowledge in their more favoured activities.

The education team at Stannard will be fully prepared to act on individual advice received from external therapy services such as Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy or Physiotherapy.  Space away from the classroom is available each day for children to work directly with external therapy services if commissioned by the Local Authority.

Our staggered lunch sittings run from 12:45 – 1:45pm every day and as well as including time to eat and play, it also includes time to develop our social skills and communication skills which when in place will act on the guidance from the SALT team at Stannard.  All children at Stannard are offered a cooked meal each day chosen from a rolling menu, those who wish to bring a packed lunch may do so.

Each week there is a whole school celebration assembly. There is also the opportunity for school staff and families to think about the impact on our quality of life whilst preparing everybody for the weekend ahead.